The Relationship Between Chiropractic Care and Sleep

The Relationship Between Chiropractic Care and Sleep

Are you not getting enough rest or frequently waking up throughout the night? Sleep deprivation can have several sources, and a professional can address these issues. Discover the relationship between chiropractic care and sleep to understand how a professional can help you!

Sleep Is Essential to Our Health

Sufficient sleep improves brain performance, mood, and health. It allows you to recharge your body and prepare for the next day. When you don’t get good sleep, you’ll likely experience daytime fatigue, mood swings, difficulty concentrating, and delayed reaction time. This can affect your day-to-day routine and make tasks challenging. Long-term sleep deprivation can increase your risk of developing health conditions like diabetes, heart disease, and immune system dysfunction.

We all experience poor sleep sometimes. However, consistent sleep deprivation can have underlying causes. It’s important to pinpoint the problem.

How Pain Contributes To Sleep

Chronic pain in the back, neck, shoulders, and legs may cause discomfort when trying to sleep. Quality sleep requires comfort, and pain prevents comfort. As a result, discomfort affects your ability to fall asleep and stay asleep. Sometimes, body aches come from injuries like sprains or falls. However, it can also come from body misalignments that a chiropractor can fix.

What Chiropractic Care Can Do

Spinal misalignment can be the source of pain and discomfort. Fortunately, professional chiropractors can realign the spine and restore balance in your body. Chiropractic professionals can improve your relationship with sleep by helping to reduce your pain and promote better rest. Under proper care, doctors can:

  • Ease tension by manipulating the musculoskeletal system.

  • Adjust the spine to improve blood flow.

  • Relieve stress and promote relaxation.

  • Evaluate your sleeping patterns and offer solutions.

Things That Promote Better Sleep

Seeking chiropractic care is only one piece of the puzzle. You must address your lack of sleep by assessing other factors in your life. You can change your sleeping position to enhance comfort, purchase a new mattress to alleviate pain, or evaluate your night routine. Distractions can affect your sleep, causing you to stay up late. Ultimately, it’s about determining sleep distress and working with a chiropractor to resolve issues.

Better sleep is closer than you think. If you’re interested in chiropractic care, make an appointment at Garden State Spinal Care. We offer chiropractic adjustments in Montclair, NJ and look forward to supporting you.


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