A Brief History of the Webster Technique

A Brief History of the Webster Technique

The Webster Technique is a specific chiropractic sacral analysis and diversified adjustment. The goal is to reduce the effects of sacral subluxation/SI joint dysfunction. Look at the brief history of the Webster Technique to understand its origins.

Webster Technique History

Dr. Larry Webster developed the Webster Technique in the 1980s. He created the technique because his daughter Lucinda, who was giving birth to her daughter, had a difficult birth. Although he was there for the challenging birth, he felt that chiropractic techniques would benefit his daughter’s labor.

In particular, he wanted a specialized approach regarding her pelvis. Addressing subluxations throughout pregnancy would contribute to a safer, less difficult birth.

Dr. Webster focused on the idea of intrauterine constraint, which means that a baby’s movement is restricted inside the uterus. The restrictions may cause aches and pains for pregnant women and possible complications for the baby. For instance, the baby can’t move into an ideal birth presentation.

The Webster Technique is a chiropractic technique that stabilizes the sacrum and SI joint for improved function. It can assist in rotating breech babies and improve birth.

Who May Benefit From It?

Pregnant mothers with a history of breech baby deliveries may benefit from a Webster Certified chiropractor. Furthermore, women with a currently breeched baby or concerns about their pelvis or sacrum should seek this too. The Webster Technique is less invasive than external cephalic procedures (the traditional procedure that turns a baby’s head down).

How Do Chiropractors Perform the Webster Technique?

After reviewing the history of the Webster Technique, it’s essential to know about the noninvasive procedure.

The chiropractor will give patients a pregnancy pillow and have them lie face down on a specialized chiropractic table. The professional will assess the body and determine any pelvis imbalances.

Chiropractors massage soft tissues, abdomen muscles, and ligaments surrounding the uterus to create more space around the pelvis. This helps babies move into an optimal position.

After the appointment, hydrating the body is necessary because it supports healing and blood flow.

Schedule Your Appointment

With our Webster Certified chiropractors in Montclair, NJ, Garden State Spinal Care can help you. Chiropractic care is important for mothers and babies during pregnancy. Have a dedicated team on your side. Schedule your appointment today.


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