Why Chiropractic Techniques Are Essential For New Mothers

Why Chiropractic Techniques Are Essential For New Mothers

When you’re pregnant, the best way to take care of your baby is to take care of yourself. But that’s still true after delivery, too. Treatments like kinesiology taping can help you heal quickly and correctly so you’ll be at your best postpartum. Learn why chiropractic techniques are essential for new mothers.

Spinal Alignment

Women have been giving birth for a while now—it should be the most natural thing in the world. And yet it sure can mess up a mom’s insides. Remember, that baby moved your center of gravity forward, stretching muscles and ligaments and pulling the spine out of alignment. You might have felt it most in your lower back. And the party isn’t over; you delivered the baby, but now you’re lifting the baby, carrying, breastfeeding, changing diapers, and dozing off while sitting up. You’re not giving your spine a break. You’re asking even more of it. But a chiropractor can help get you into the proper position for healing. Then your muscles can strengthen to support your back and lessen any pain.

Kinesiology Taping

Here’s a fun term: “diastasis recti.” That’s what doctors call it when your left and right belly muscles separate during pregnancy. The baby had to go somewhere and expanded the space right between your abdominal muscles. Can you bring them back together? Kinesiology tape can help. A chiropractor strategically places the tape, providing stimulus to the muscles and increasing awareness to the area. That reminds your body to engage your stomach muscles, which brings the abdominals closer to the midline. Yet the tape is flexible enough that it won’t limit your movement. If you’re serious about getting rid of that postpartum tummy, kinesiology tape can help.

Postpartum Self-Care

After giving birth, the majority of new mothers experience uncharacteristically negative emotions. Ranging from “baby blues” to full-fledged depression, women might be exhausted, suffering severe mood swings, even feeling hopeless. You’ve probably never had less time to take care of yourself, which makes it even more essential that you do. Seeing a chiropractor is an acknowledgment that your health is just as important as your baby’s, and that you’re recovering from a profound event. You might need minor adjustments or a massage technique. You might get assurance that your body is getting back to normal. Chiropractic care is a completely natural and drug-free way to prioritize yourself—at least until the next feeding.

Chiropractic techniques are essential for new mothers who are trying to reach their “new normal.” If you’re looking for a chiropractor in Bloomfield, New Jersey, contact Garden State Spinal Care to learn more about our postpartum treatments. If you’ve just given birth, you’ve more than earned it.


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