The Relationship Between Balance and Spinal Health

Balance and Spinal Health

Feeling off-balanced is alarming to most people, especially after a back injury. However, you must be aware of a correlation between your balance and your spine. Keep reading to understand the relationship between balance and spinal health.

How the Spine Affects Your Balance

Your spine is an intricate structure with various parts, including discs, nerves, vertebrae, and tendons. The nerve in your spine sends signals to your body to control movement. When injuries or instances of discs pushing against your nerves occur, it can disrupt proper activity. Thus, the interference can affect your balance. Given the importance of balance, it’s essential to prioritize spinal health and address discomfort (or injuries) quickly.

Things That Affect Balance

When you assess the relationship between balance and spinal health, it’s important to know that back injuries and interferences can affect your balance. In particular, lower back injuries can affect balance. However, other things can play a role in balance too.

For example, a pregnant woman’s center of gravity starts to shift up and forward as the uterus grows. This makes it hard to stay coordinated and maintain balance. Fortunately, chiropractic adjustments reduce fall risks and help women regain stability.

For children, the nervous system can affect balance. If the system isn’t advancing as it should, they need an adjustment to enhance their balance and bring their primitive reflexes to the appropriate development.

Ultimately, health-care providers evaluate health and determine what correlates to poor spinal health and bad balance.

Poor Balance Indicators

The inability to stand up straight isn’t the only symptom of poor balance. You may experience difficulty walking, frequent dizziness, trouble climbing stairs, and find it challenging to complete daily tasks. In particular, standing tasks, like washing dishes, brushing your teeth, or cooking a meal, may become challenging.

You don’t have to live with these symptoms, and seeking help is important. A chiropractor can give spinal adjustments and optimal care to help your well-being. You won’t feel “off-balanced” for too long.

Seeking Chiropractic Care

No one understands the importance of spinal health like chiropractors. You can seek care for spinal discomfort and resume daily activities without uncomfortable symptoms. If you’re interested in a chiropractor near Nutley, NJ, consider Garden State Spinal Care. Our high-quality care and customized treatment plan will help you recover from injuries and restore your health. Schedule your appointment today!


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