Posture Problems: How Your Stance is Negatively Impacting Your Health

Posture Problems: How Your Stance is Negatively Impacting Your Health

As any office worker knows, far too many of us spend our days hunched over our desks all day. Not only are we leading more sedentary lifestyles, but today's youth aren't necessarily taught to stand up straight or to stop slouching in their chairs. Unfortunately, poor posture can become worse over time—and bad posture symptoms tend to become more pronounced (and more serious). In the end, it isn't merely your physical appearance that you could be risking when you exhibit poor posture. Your incorrect stance could also have major health consequences in the future. Here are just a few medical problems you could face if you fail to correct and treat your posture with a chiropractic care professional.

Rotator Cuff Tears

One recent study revealed that posture may have a great deal to do with the prevalence of rotator cuff tears. About one-fourth of the individuals surveyed had rotator cuff tears as detected by ultrasound exams. While only 2.9% of people with ideal posture exhibited these tears, approximately 65.8% of participants who had rotator cuff tears also had what's known as kyphotic-lordotic posture -- meaning a rounded upper back and a tucked in lower back. This type of posture is relatively common among the general population, especially among women. For those looking to avoid this type of painful injury, it may be beneficial to meet with professional chiropractors to improve their physical stance.

Chronic Back Pain

Of course, general back pain is a significant concern for both patients and chiropractic specialists. It's one of the most common reasons for missed work and is the second most common reason for doctors' office visits. Poor posture can cause excessive spinal pressure or disc generation, which occurs when the spinal discs between the vertebrae gradually lose cushioning. It's no surprise that excessive slouching and other postural issues can cause pain in one's back. Chiropractic specialists can help with poor posture back pain immensely and can likely assess the root cause of your pain.

Digestive Issues

Poor posture won't merely affect how your shoulders, neck, and back might feel. An improper physical stance can actually cause digestive issues, as well. Sitting in a slouched way can compress your digestive tract and other abdominal organs. This can slow down your metabolism and even cause constipation, acid reflux, and hernias. You might assume that your diet could be to blame, but it may actually be the way you sit at your desk on a daily basis. In this sense, professional chiropractors can actually relieve pain and even help the rest of your body work to its full potential.

Cardiovascular Risks

Because poor posture can have a negative impact on your spinal alignment, it can also end up constricting your blood vessels. This, in turn, can have some pretty major consequences. The constriction may cut off the blood supply to your cells and increase your chances of developing a blood clot or deep vein thrombosis. If these conditions are allowed to worsen without treatment, it's possible that a patient could develop cardiovascular disease -- all because they don't know how to stand or sit correctly. If you know you already have increased cardiovascular risks, you may want to make some appointments with professional chiropractors to see whether you might be able to make improvements to your posture to alleviate those risks.

If you feel your posture is lacking or you have experienced some of the conditions outlined here, you should consider working with professional chiropractors to diagnose and correct these symptoms of poor posture. Not only will you be able to live a life without pain, but you may also be able to prevent more serious health risks in the future. For more information, please contact us today.

Dr. Jennifer Dour

Dr. Dour is the founder of Garden State Spinal Care. A skilled adjuster with a friendly bedside manner, see why she can help you in your journey towards a life free of back pain.

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