4 Signs You Should Take Your Baby to a Chiropractor

4 Signs You Should Take Your Baby to a Chiropractor

When you have children, you want them to be as healthy as possible. But when they start showing signs of potential health conditions, you’ll help them in any way possible.

It’s a common myth that chiropractors only help adults; they can help people of all ages, including infants. Let’s explore four signs you should take your baby to a chiropractor for help.

Trouble Latching

If your child experiences difficulties during breastfeeding, it may be due to trouble with latching and releasing.

A potential cause of this is a misaligned neck structure that prevents your baby from rotating their head comfortably. A chiropractor can assist in adjusting your baby’s neck by putting it back into alignment to help them more easily breastfeed.


It’s normal for a baby to cry or become fussy for many reasons, including being hungry or tired. When they are upset and crying all day long—most commonly in the evening—they might be experiencing baby colic.

A few causes of colic include sensitivity to certain foods, digestion issues, or having trouble adjusting to a new environment.

While soothing your baby with a warm blanket, rubbing their back, and using a pacifier are great ways to reduce colic, a chiropractor can also help. A chiropractor can alleviate your child’s spinal tension and calm their nervous system.

Rigid Back

Babies are naturally flexible, but they may experience spinal pain or tension when they begin to present a fixed, rigid back. This can also be evident if your baby is fussing with an arched back position. A chiropractor can perform a spinal adjustment on your child, relieving them of any back pain.

Head Tilting

If you notice your baby’s head consistently tilting in one direction, there might be an issue that requires chiropractic attention.

Similar to having difficulty breastfeeding, your child might have trouble rotating their neck, which can put pressure on one side of the head. A chiropractor can balance your baby’s neck muscles, which builds neck strength and helps eliminate the problem.

Visiting your nearest chiropractor in Wayne, NJ, can help alleviate any pain your child might be experiencing and set them up for better health.

When caring for your child, remember these four signs you should take your baby to a chiropractor. This can help you catch symptoms early and grant your baby the relief they need.


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